Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer Reunion

Last night was fun.

One of my good friends from college is in the area this weekend and he gave me a call the other night to hang out. So after my busy day of not working (rain) and running around doing other things, I called up another friend, Ian, to see if he would like to join our shenanigans for a night. So we went up to Hacienda in South Bend and had some frozen long islands, which I thought were super strong, and conversed for a while. Then we headed to another bar, Corbys was the name I think, and got a pitcher of beer. I could only drink about a half a glass though cause that long island was effecting me too much and I had to drive. It was funny though, there was a ten dollar minimum to use a debit card, and I was the only one to have cash. But all I had were hundreds (I was prepared to buy something for my car but never did), so I paid a $4 pitcher with a $100 bill. I felt rich. And then I forgot to tip her, whoops. Then we went to another bar called The Linebacker up by Notre Dame. Overall it was a pretty fun night and Im glad I got to hang out with my ATO bros.

Now, Im off to West Laffy for a few days to see Brit. We're going boating tomorrow so that should be nice and tiring.

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