Monday, July 14, 2008

Mohawks and such.

Well, today I cut my hair into a mohawk. I think it was kind of a big step for me, I've been wrestling with the idea for a while, just because I had never done it before, and i like to do wierd stuff like that. But on the other hand, I kind of didn't want to do it because first of all I just got a haircut last week (which was a very good haircut if I say so myself), and also I'm kind of worried about what people think of me, which I think is retarded. As much as I hate it, I still worry about what people think about me, BUT I have been working on it lately.

But I do think that too many people worry about their appearance too much. Some people base thier whole lives around the idea. I sort of used to be like that though. Never wanting to change my haircut in fear that I might look silly, wearing only certian types of clothes, wanting to have the tallest Jeep with the loudest exhaust and the biggest tires so people would look at me and say, "Wow, I wish I was him." Some people even go to lengths where they spend thousands of dollars on things they don't even use, like a motorcycle or fancy jewelry or whatnot, just so people think they have money, when they should be spending thier money on more charitable things. Well, I was fed up with trying to look good, you're never happy anyways. Plus, it's selfish. So in the last couple of years, I've been trying to change that, trying to move to a place where I'm stepping out of the norm, trying purposely not to fit in. Trying to look good is too much work and worry. I could easily be a Bremenoid robot like the rest of them and never leave town and try to build a great reputation, but you know what, I'm having so much more fun stepping out of the bubble. Riding my bicycle everywhere when I know the Bremenoids think I lost my liscense from drunk driving, sporting the mohawk when I know people think its childish, growing a long beard when i know I'm scaring people when I walk into a building, I like doing these things, its fun to me.

Now I know Im kind of rambling, and it might not even make any sense, and it probly jumps from one topic to another, so Im sorry about that. Let me just leave you with this, I took this picture when I was in Vermont last week, maybe it will get your mind off of the craziness I just wrote.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Mohawk, bike-riding, awesome!

later dude