Sunday, September 7, 2008

More Art Stuff

Well, Ive decided to post some more artwork that I have done in the past couple of years, most of which were done here at Purdue. These are actually some of my favorites that are included in my portfolio....the same portfilio that didn't get me into the Industrial Design program. I apologize again for slacking on the blog too, Ive been busy here at school, mostly socially, but when I do get free time I would rather read or play guitar or something. But Ill try to get back into the swing of things on the blog. So here we go, artwork!! Lets get excited!!

The picture of the girl is one I did back in high school. She was a girl that I liked at the time (then later on dated), but I never gave it to her....and Im actually glad I didnt, because I would no longer have it. The pictures of the cars were done my freshman year of college. I used to watch Overhaulin' a lot and watching Chip Foose create these drawings for show really inspired me, so I tried it out myself using pen and some acrylic paint laying around. They could be better, this was before I had any formal training on shadow and reflections and all that jazz. (Oh, and I believe that if you click on the pic, it will enlarge it) This was one of my favorite classes that I have taken in college, Intro to Drawing. We used nothing but graphite and charcoal. I love making charcoal drawings. In the first drawing, we had to draw something with texture, so I crumpled up a picture of Jesus, ripped the edges, flattened it back out, and drew what I saw. The next two were interesting to do, we had to cover the whole sheet of paper in charcoal, make it completely black, then use an eraser to make the highlights. I think that it is actually easier than drawing with charcoal. The middle picture is my face. We used a photocopy machine, put our faces up to it, printed, then recreated our print. The third is a vase on a vase stand. (not sure why this is underlined)
These pictures are from the very first art class I took in college. Intro to Design I think? It was fun to create these random pictures.
This is a fruit holder that I had to design and make in one of my ID classes. This was such a pain-in-the-butt project. It was called the Joinery project, and we had to make 3 or more equal pieces that connect together, without glue, to make a fruit holder. It was tough just to come up with an idea, let alone make it. I basically accidentally stumbled upon this design, just started putting pieces together and this is what I got.
This is a stool. Its made out of sheet metal and steel rods. Very sharp sheet metal. I cut myself several times making this one. This stool also took me forever to design, I probably drew a hundred different designs before I finished with this one. I was trying to make the whole thing out of one piece of sheet metal, and the design could be done that way, but my piece of sheet metal was about 2 inches too narrow.
Ok, you could call me a cheater for these drawings. I was looking at other peoples sketches when I drew these. I was just trying to get an idea of using different techniques of sketching, trying to figure out how they do it. So they arent really originals. But they look so good!!
These are some sketches for the Opus Design Competition. We had to come up with an inovative design for sunglasses. But we couldnt just design a pair of sunglasses, they had to have other functions as well. Retarded.....I know. Why cant they just serve one keep the sun out of my freakin eyes. I ended up designing a pair that had little wipers on them in case it rained or someone spit on you or something. But they did look really cool.


Lori said...

Wow.....great job!!

The girl looks a lot like Abby.....LOL

Where are my drawings?? :)

Chuff said...

That stuff looks awesome man. The cars look exactly like what foose would do. I would love for you to draw my car sometime!! Hope the first couple weeks of classes haven't been too rough.

Todd said...

My car, too! (Just kidding.) Hope you are having a great semester. No bike riding this past weekend.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who can 'draw' with an eraser like you can, has nothing to worry about! AMAZING!
Hey, Christmas is coming.... i think your Mom should get a drawing!